“I cannot recommended Rie enough as my go-to solution for many muscular problems."
"As a frequent CrossFitter, powerlifter, and someone who generally pushes himself to physical limits, I tend to get a lot of minor injuries and “tweaked” muscles. I’m also not a fan of surgery – whatsoever. In today’s society people seem to immediately opt for costly and complicated surgeries, often to hips, knees, and back (among other major areas) are often tied to relatively minor muscular problems, and also failing to account for the lengthy recovery period. For example, if your quadriceps are tight and inflexible, they can pull your hip or back out of place, causing pain. This can result in the impression (even to a doctor) that you have bad hips or a bad back. In fact, if you see Rie (combined with diligent stretching and mobility exercises), she can often loosen these difficult-to-reach which will allow your joints to function better and reduce pain. I can’t recommend seeing Rie more for anything from injuries to recovery from difficult workouts.”
— M.J.
“I’ve been seeing Rie for X years. As a runner and a powerlifter, Rie has been a tremendous asset when it comes to keeping me moving and healthy so that I may reach my goals. She tries her best to accommodate for those unexpected painful training days. She, herself, doesn’t stop learning to improve her already awesome skills.”
“Very thorough, Rie researched my problem before appointment, very professional and knowledgeable, I got results the first session, Rie enabled me to walk about with much more ease and without pain.”